
Marriage Profile

I am not perfect and neither is he! We are perfectly imperfect- I mean my hubby and I! And this week is the anniversary of our more than a decade old partnership.
Every relationship needs to be cared for it to blossom, and it is especially true for this relationship that starts between two strangers who come together for the fate of love, and hope to spend the rest of their lives happily ever after.
Love is one aspect, but living with another person is a totally different ball game. So, how do we fair in this marriage game? I would say like any other couple- with some fights, disagreements, discussions and all these not so charming parts held together by a common dream to weave some happy memories, and to grow old together.
We two are totally different personalities-not only our behaviors but our physical appearance too- I am petite, he is tall. I am dark, he is light. So much so that we have hard time taking our selfies- I have to be on my tippy toes to get into the frame with him, and that too with perfect light. But this does not refrain us from clicking selfies, as you can see on my facebook.
In all these years, we have come to terms that we are two separate individuals with different upbringings, choices and thought processes. However, with time we have learnt to make our differences work for us…. not always but most of the times. Here is how-
I am a morning person and he is a night owl. This decreases the time to get on each others nerves. He knows that I will be in my best mood in the mornings, and he in the nights.
I like to cook and he likes to eat. There is no effort involved to make this work, as it says it all.
I like to write and he likes to talk. The times when I am not writing, I lend my ears to his voice. Bingo!
I like to shop, and he likes to earn. This is a perfect match, no work needed on this one.
I like to play and he likes to win. He says that my motto is that of a loser:-), but who cares as it erases many possibilities of arguments between us. Afterall we are one team. (another loser speech here:-)
I carry a poky needle of honesty, and he is a bubble of enthusiasm. Good thing he does not get attached to his view point(s) or my poky needle would really hurt him. So, I can be honest without the stress of offending him.
I like to sleep, and he is a dreamer. After all someone has to make up for his sleep, and who better than his spouse! 🙂 (With kids in the picture now, the scenario has slightly changed but still I try to catch up some snooze when I can.)
I like to travel and he likes to plan. This is a perfect arrangement too, my only concern being the effort it takes to pack for kids including their entertainment, and the laundry thereafter, but this is minuscule considering all the fun we get to have on our trips.
I can laugh and he cracks me up with his PJs, and when the going gets tough, this silly humor gets us going for few extra miles!
He likes to sketch and I like to fill in the colors. With all those plans and dreams, he has a life sketch in his mind, and I fancy filling the sketch with colors, and erase the lines that go out of whack.
Even though we are the couple with contrasts, we at times do role reversals to get a taste of the other side. So, my hubby sometimes cooks/grills and I eat, and when we both are not in the mood, restaurants are a good choice. There are times when I win, and he rejoices for me too. (remember we are one team!). There are days when he catches up on the long lost sleep, while I stay awake to dream for him.
There are circumstances when this rhythm of partnership goes for a toss and there are sparks. It is at this time, one of us initiates the cool off, and more often than not- our common dream to grow old together-gets us back on the beat.
So, together we are responsible to maintain this marriage boat, and master the art of sailing in the rough waters that life has to offer.  And when the breeze is right, we both let go and relax for a while. With time, we have learnt to fix any scratches and holes on this boat, and thrive to make it look slick, and pray that we never let this precious boat sink.♥
References: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-fitness/201303/10-things-your-relationship-needs-thrive
Photo credit: scribbletaylor via Foter.com / CC BY-NC