
Drumroll, please…

Today is the special day!
It is my Blog Anniversary!
Hurray, I completed one year of blogging!
Today is the day when I care less if you judge me for being full of myself!
After all, I deserve to indulge a bit and celebrate creating 41 blog posts.
I partially share this crown with my hubby who encouraged me to pursue writing and shared some kind words,

“Either you go for it with full throttle or just don’t ever regret in future for not trying to write.(Period)”

And, oh those gentle words of his left such impression on me that I jumped right into this blogosphere pool, and ever since have survived 365 days and have become future hopeful.
Blogging has done me good in many ways—

Blogging taught me discipline.

I had committed myself to writing a post every week. I faltered many times but then I continued to write regardless. We humans are much more conscious of our actions in public, so by creating a blog I announced to the world ‘expect me to write,’ and ever since I have stood by it.

Writing blogs made me resilient.

I have learned to write irrespective of the likes and praises. In one year, I have received 19 likes, which is beyond pathetic. Though likes are a great energizer, but not the sole motivation for me to write, else, you would have read a demise letter of my blog rather than this anniversary announcement.

It introduced me to some excellent writings and bloggers.

The better I want to write the more I read about the world around me.It exposed me to  quality write-ups and some wonderful sites.


It made me friends with my long lost passion.

Few years back when I wanted to get back into my corporate career, I read an article about ‘finding your passion.’ It made me ask myself what is that purpose in my life or the fire in my belly or the thing that defines me? The article made me contemplate about my interests, and I dug deeper and deeper. Though writing has been one of my interests I had never given it a serious thought. With the creation of the blog, I write regularly, and it fulfills me when I play with words and hours fly by like few minutes.
Here is a link to that thought provoking article for my readers-

It repurposed my life, or you can call it midlife crises:-)

Yep, I changed the course of my life and on this journey I do not have a GPS, but comfort of my own passion that provides the directions to my dream.  In this learning journey, I consult several sites and youtube videos, research new terms, some I understand while some I pass as jargons. It has been a slow but a rewarding journey.

I learned that if I put my mind into something, I can do it.

And then later I even get to feel good about myself.

Most importantly, it has introduced me to few friends like you who read my posts and provide encouraging comments to keep me going on this path I’ve dared to tread. I am grateful for your followings and appreciation. It fuels me to write better, for you, and for myself.

I am no Shakespeare, but I am glad to be me!

Photo credit: scottmdi via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND
Photo credit: symphony of love via Foter.com / CC BY-SA