Gratitude is not a seasonal quality you visit once a year. It is a lifestyle you deliberately choose.
By practicing gratefulness, you focus on positives move away from stuff that is not working in our lives. Once you focus on the positives, you’ll amplify the good stuff, thus inviting more of it, resulting in abundance in your life. It’s a simple formula. Gratefulness=positivity=abundance=health=friends=happiness

Gratitude comes easily to empathetic people. My younger son one day came to me after school and said, “I said thank you to the school janitor today. He has to clean our bathrooms, especially the boys’ bathroom, which is yucky.”
At that moment, I was a very proud mother, much prouder than when he came back with an A in the test.
If gratitude is one thing children learn, everything else will come organically. Gratitude is like a magnet that attracts all the goodness in life. “If the only prayer you say in your life is thank you, that would suffice.”— Mister Eckhart
Even though we know that gratefulness is the secret sauce for a fulfilling life, why doesn’t it flow easily in us all the time? For starters, it is more challenging and sometimes nearly impossible to feel grateful when we are feeling low, and things are not working out for us. That’s when you have to invest and deliberately channel your energy to look for the little things working out for you. Those tiny sparks of joy will help you climb up the ladder of hope one step at a time until you are over the hump and can breathe in the gratitude and beauty of life once again. The important thing to remember is that these lows are temporary in our lives, and once you’ve established that fact, then go hunt for tiny sparks of joy. And once you go looking for joy, you’re likely to find it, and before you know it, you’ve once again boarded the train of gratitude with some self-help and direction.
Thanksgiving is a reminder for all of us to dwell in the ocean of gratefulness. Wherever you are in your life, take a moment to look around and be grateful for the things you have and the ones you don’t have and don’t want in your lives.
Remember, gratitude is a lifestyle. It’s a secret sauce and a magnet to a well-lived life.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I’m grateful for your support.